Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Writing to encourage other Writers

Hello Everyone

It's been a long time since I have been active on this site but I have not been idle. I have been travelling and writing and moved house s few times.
Recently I bought myself a Kindle White Paper and a new world of publishing opened up before me.
A few years ago I had written a small book about my trekking in the Himalayas at age 51 (yes, I'm in my seventies now) and now I have published it on Kindle Direct Publishing and soon will have the paperback copy as well.

My Kindle book is called Over the Mountains - not over the Hill and my aim is to encourage the not-so-young to follow their dreams and take risks and LIVE. It's exhilarating. since that time I have travelled the world a few times, either with a missions organisation or just for my own pleasure.

Now I am very busy because suddenly I have so many writing ideas but I am also teaching German one day a week  to people over fifty. Life is just so full and enjoyable.

I promise, from now on I shall keep you posted at this blog and I hope we can have lively and fruitful communication.

You can find my author's profile URL on: (click to get the link)  My author's profile on Amazon
