Thursday, March 27, 2014

Attitude towards Bills.

Often I see in TV people complaining about their bills and not being able to pay them. They appear angry at the company that sent them the bill as if they had been wronged. I am not talking about incorrect invoices but those for which items or services have been received.

Would it not more reasonable to change once attitude towards such bills? Why not consider the services that have been received? When we signed up for the services we knew the cost. For instance electricity. Where would we be without electricity, or phone? Would it not be wiser to switch the lights off when not needed, to turn airconditioning down to a reasonable level, to fill the kettle only to the necessary level of water instead boiling a full one for one cup of coffee?

These are just examples. What I would like to convey  is a sense of gratitude for having these services available rather than anger. In the end the bills have to be paid anyway.