Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lissa's Wish.

Here is a little true Story you may like to read:


Lissa’s Wish

“Please, Oma, may I go into the garden?” five-year old Lissa asked her grandmother.

“Of course, go on, enjoy yourself, “Oma answered.

Lissa flew out the backdoor, her pigtails bouncing, she skipped down the steps, across the concrete yard into her beloved garden. First she stopped by the Pansies surrounding the Sun Lawn, and said ‘Good Morning’ to her favourites, the deep purple ones with the golden faces.

Lissa had called this soft-green lawn the Sun Lawn because it was large and round. Just behind this she now balanced along the stone borders of the Moon Lawn which was sickle shaped and during spring the many white daisies were almost covered by the golden petals of the Laburnum tree leaning above it. The Moon Lawn half encircled the path around the large rose bed. Lissa stopped and bend over one of the last roses of the season. Oh, how sweet it’s perfume!

She walked on through the low dividing box hedge to the vegetables. Oh yes, she knew them all, her secret friends: the Brussels Sprouts were still too young to talk to her but the red Tomatoes told her that the whole bunch had quite a good party the night before, after all, they belong to the family of night shades. The big strong beans on their stakes expressed their indignation about this nightly reveling but Lissa only laughed and told the beans they should not be so stuffy. The peas still slept in their communal beds, just like Lissa when she visited her cousins and had to snuggle up in bed with several others. She threw them a kiss and walked on to the rockery and the two large, old pear trees. The rockery was to her like a fairytale book. So many different plants close together, each telling their part of a story. The Wallpepper with its golden, wormlike flowers was rough to the touch but got on well with the velvety, silver Lambs Tongues. They complimented each other and Lissa could see how they enjoyed each other’s company. The white Snow in Summer was still spreading its many small flowers over the grey rocks and pink ones were nestling in the crevices. Lissa sat down on a rock for a while and soon a small lizard shared with her the warming rays of the sun. As she looked up at the tall pear tree, she remembered when she had danced there, thinking herself a little fairy as a gently wind showered her with white petals from the pear blossoms.

Now, in autumn most of the pears had been harvested but Lissa saw one last golden one hanging at the tip of the highest branch.

“OH, I wish I could have that pear, “she said, and then it happened. A rustle, the pear broke loose and SPLASH fell down, straight onto one of the big rocks and broke in thousand pieces.   Wishes do come true but not always the way we imagine!



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